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5 Things to Consider Before Hiring a Coach

African American adult woman taking notes while interviewing coaches

Coaches don’t make wings for flight; they build the courage to help you soar. Coaches don’t render your path ahead; they help you see potential through chaos. Coaches don't dictate; they steer, they cheer, and they celebrate you.   

~Tricia Daye


More and more people are discussing the benefits of having a personal coach. Thanks to the diversity in the field, just about everyone can benefit from having a coaching relationship, but only some are ready. 


Which side are you on? You think you're ready, but how do you know? 


You've done your research. You've read the testimonials. And now you're considering getting a coach for yourself. Before committing your time, energy, and money to this profound journey, consider these five questions first.


Do I want a coach, or do I need something different?

In a world with countless professional services, picking the right one can sometimes get convoluted. Do you need an accountant, attorney, therapist, consultant, or financial planner? For example, a personal assistant can help with the feeling of clutter, but a coach can help with the habits that keep clutter at bay.  


The idea is to build the kind of relationships that you want and need. 


A coaching relationship offers an objective partnership where the coach is your cheerleader, accountability partner, sounding board, and expert who will help you navigate the path surrounding your goals. They'll help you recognize specific solutions, strengths, and opportunities to achieve your desired changes.  


Regardless of where you are with your goals, a coach can quickly jump in and start working with you. 


  • Do you have a specific goal that you're motivated to reach?


  • Are you struggling with achieving a goal on your own?


  • Do you know in your heart that some kind of change will be beneficial, but you're not sure what? 


There are a vast number of reasons to hire a coach. 


Schedule a free consultation if you need clarification on whether it's the right relationship for you. 


What kind of coach do I want?


Like professional services, there are many niches in the coaching world, and picking the right one with the right personality will save your sanity and give you the best chance of success. 


Do you want someone direct or soft, eclectic or firm, humorous or practical, empathic or edgy? Think back to conversations that had the most significant impact on you and what type of personality the other person or people had. 


What personality makes you take action - even if it's a personality that's hard to swallow at times? These are the personalities you should seek in a coach. It'll ensure their interaction with you is harmonious and not a nail-biter. 


When deciding on a specialty (niche), think about your goals.


  • Are you trying to enter the workforce? Look for a Career Coach.


  • Do you want to get a C-Suite position? Talk to an Executive Coach.


  • Is weight loss an issue for you? Contact a Weight Loss Coach.


  • Have general life goals? Consider a Life Coach.


  • Is your parent-child relationship in need of balancing? Reach out to a Parenting Coach.


  • Do you want to stop being over- & under-whelmed? Work with a Wellness Change Coach. 


When selecting a coach, interview a few people you like and ask specific questions to ensure they match your needs. 


Trust your instinct!


Can I afford a coach?

You've made the decision - you want a coach! 


Now that you're ready to make a significant investment in yourself, can you afford it? Affordability is a personal question that encompasses not only money but also time and energy costs. And in some instances, there are physical or societal costs as well. "Can I afford not to hire a coach," may be a key question if you have health concerns. 


Before entering into a coaching relationship, look honestly at your finances, availability, bandwidth, or any other 'costs' and assess the return on your investment. 


The duration of a coaching engagement varies from coach to coach. You'll find single or ad-hoc sessions (often seen with a membership), programs that require one to a few months, and masterminds that last for 6 to 12 months. Prices will vary based on duration, expertise, demand, and niche. 


Regardless of your situation, plenty of options fit any time, financial, or energy budget.


Keep in mind a coach can't guarantee your results. Still, if you know you'll 'do the work' and put in the effort, you can assess if the coaching engagement will be a solid investment in the long run. A return on investment could be monetary (career coach) or more energetic (wellness change coach).


Only you can determine the worth of investment when hiring a coach. 


Investing your time, energy, finances, and other resources into amplifying your self-care is always a solid investment; a coach will help you get there.


Is it the right time to hire a coach?

The time is right if you want to start bettering yourself, even if the thought is scary. The time is likely right, even if you're busy and unable to take on another obligation.


Being fearful or busy is often a sign that you should take this step. A professional coach will immediately hone into your busy, overwhelming schedule. They'll explore ways to redesign, remove, or shift around your chaos so you can still reach your goals in a way that eliminates the fear of change—ultimately bringing balance to the imbalance. 


However, there are times when waiting to hire a coach is advised.


Being coached takes focus, dedication, time, and commitment. Suppose you're going through a significant life change like a divorce, an unexpected move, or the birth of a child. In that case, you should wait until the dust settles before making such a rich commitment to yourself.


If the timing isn't right, subscribe to a coach's blog, newsletter, or podcast. You could even attend a local event or short retreat. Even though these options will not have the same impact, they'll keep you in the right mindset until you're ready to hire a coach. 


You can opt in to my newsletter content here for free.

Am I open to trying new things?

During your coaching engagement, you'll be encouraged to look at old situations in new ways while exploring changes to further yourself. You'll be offered new concepts and perspectives about various aspects of your life and given new approaches. 


This process often includes completing specific 'homework' assignments or action steps between sessions. 


Are you willing to explore these new ways of thinking, doing, and succeeding? If the answer is "sort of," then take some time and explore the areas of resistance. 


Your coach can work with you on most areas of resistance. A common one is the fear of change or trying something new. Especially if it means 'out with the old and in with the new.' 


A licensed therapist, or a combination of therapist and coach, could be beneficial in addressing deeper triggers.


Be honest with your coach about your hesitations and what's worked for you in the past regarding your willingness to try new things. 


Rest assured. Your coach will guide you through changes that align with your explicit goals. If a change action doesn't work, you'll collaborate on alternative options until you find the best fit. 


The willingness to experience new possibilities and co-create your future will profoundly impact you.


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